因为这个缘故,它是我看过的话剧里最“长”的一部。。。。。8点开始,零晨12点才结束。而为了"damage control" , 这晚Bar 台的饮料全是免费共应的。不用说,Bar 台外的人龙是长之又长了。。。。。。。。。。结果。。。。我还是没捡到便宜。。 。呕。。。。唯一捡到的便宜是,第四场戏,我看了两回。哈哈哈, 也算是一次难忘的经验。
我还想重看。如果天时地利人和( + $$$$),很想4月飞到台湾看。( 笑)可惜应该没有可能,因为我3月已经到香港度假。老板应该不会4月又放人的。可惜 。可惜。
Really Cool right the show.. hehe..
Yup.... u got watched?
Ya.. haha.. If know early we can go together.. haha..
Who knows you also got watch this kind of show one.hahha
ya next time... which day did u watched?
30 Jan 8pm one.. Haha.. Maybe next time ba.
Do you feel that they have alot of stories to tell within a limited time frame yet the tempo was a bit slow?
We were watching on the same day lor. Where were you sitting ? best in the house or are you those on the last floor , chanting 郑元畅 ? heeheeheeee...
I am ok with the tempo. I think any faster, they wouldnt have the time to expand the characteristic / relationship of each characters.=) but i dun mind seeing more of that grand daughter in action.
Door 2 EE..
i c ic..... =)
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