Sunday 16 March 2008

Museum Sunday

今天一早,赶在 *11点前到了National Museum of Singapore 。今天是 [ Greek Masterpieces from the Louvre ] 的最后一天exhibition.
Die Die must go.
*(There was a guided tour at 11am- English & 11. 30am-Chinese)

在museum 里待了4个小时。 去了两个guided tour of the same exhibition & The History of Singapore。没看完因为时间不够。没吃午餐,肚子也好饿。 其实可以的话,我好想在留晚一些。
The museum has really gone through quite a bit of revamping. I was very impressed with all the interactive exhibitions.

3.30pm- 赶回Northpoint 来 捧了捧丽梅和文鸿的场。

最近的日子过得好充实。昨天在East Coast 吃早餐, 放风筝, 然后到25度吃午饭。(will post food pix soon)。。。。。。晚上到光明山听Venerable Chodro 's dhama talk. ..吼。。。。。。好累呀。。。。不过是开心的lo =D


Anonymous said...

果然 節目丰富~而且(25度)好像有听安娜介紹過..=D

Bingbing said...
